News at Buckley

Model UN Travels to New York City

by communications intern Zac S. '26
Early morning Tuesday, March 15, delegates from Buckley Model United Nations made their way to LAX to catch their 7:00 a.m. flight to New York City, culminating all of their hard work in public speaking and preparing position papers full of research about Buckley's assigned country: Norway. 
Upon landing in snowy New York, we got on our bus to the Hilton Midtown, where almost 5,000 other high school students from around the world would be staying and deliberating over the coming week. After dropping our bags and catching our breath, we went to Times Square to get dinner and explore. The following day, after grabbing breakfast in our groups of four, we walked over to Central Park, where we went ice skating, followed by lunch in a combination subway station/dining hall right under Columbus Circle. Later, we took a short walk to W. 52nd Street to visit the Neil Simon Theatre and see MJ: The Musical on Broadway; it was incredible! 

Once again, we grabbed dinner on our own and prepared for Opening Ceremonies, where we heard from Ahmed M. Badr, who talked about his experience as a refugee from Iraq, and working with Ben Stiller to write the book While The Earth Sleeps We Travel. We then met with our committees for the first time. The next day, we hopped on the subway and made our way to explore Greenwich Village, where we walked around and enjoyed both breakfast and lunch with our friends. 

Waking up the following day, we had our final committee sessions, where we passed legislation and finalized our agendas. Some of us were even presented with awards of excellence! For our last dinner in the big city, we walked over to the district of Hell's Kitchen, then quickly made our way back to midtown for the NHSMUN Delegate Dance, where we said our final goodbyes to all the friends we made from all over the world. In the morning, we packed up our rooms and spent our last day in NYC walking around 5th Ave and 30 Rock; we ate breakfast, did some shopping, and then checked out the iconic FAO Schwarz toy store. We then made our way back to JFK to catch our flight back home to Los Angeles. 

This was such a fantastic experience, and I can’t wait to go back every year for the rest of my time at Buckley.

Photo contributed by teacher Rebecca McMackin


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