News at Buckley

The K-2 Health Expo Comeback

Why is it important to be active? How can we balance our eating to make sure we are getting the nutrients we need? Students in kindergarten through second grade learned about this in more during the annual K-2 Health Expo led by Lower School PE coaches Sue Cole and John Holland with an opening presentation from Buckley parent Dr. Anthony Cardillo. 

Following the opening presentation, each class had the opportunity to visit the different booths at the expo. Students ate healthy snacks like fruits and veggies, learned about the brain from Buckley parent and neurosurgeon Dr. Ali Jamshidi, visited booths that highlight the function of bones and the heart, and more!

“It is vital that young students learn about health-related fitness and overall wellness so that they can invest in their own wellbeing and understand the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle,” says Lower School PE coach Sue Cole.

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